Late Booking Deals

In order to keep our prices competitive it is better to run a day with the optimum number of riders. Occasionally we have a free place or two on certain dates and are happy to offer them at a reduced cost to those prepared to come along at short notice.

The latest bargains available are:-
SATURDAY 20TH JULY LEVEL 1 COURSE- should be £150 pp, now £130 pp
We have  places that have become available on Saturday 20th July on the Level 1 course. Please book on here

We are STILL not charging our full, pre-covid prices of £159 pp for Level 1 courses, so grab a bargain of £150 pp on a Saturday course or £130 pp on a weekday, that’s nearly £30 off and the reason we have no late bookings to offer atm, as dates are filling quickly. To get these great prices while they last please go to the bookings page here
or ring 01507 313590 . Thanks

Check our Facebook page Champions Flattrack school for the latest offers.